Feeder Wagons
Tailored Feeding Solutions from Scot Agri & BvL
Efficiency is key on a farm, especially when it comes to the productivity of livestock. BvL’s range of feeder equipment ensures speed, precision and consistency when it comes to feeding your cows which helps to ensure optimal milk production and good health of the herd.

Feeder Wagons Machinery Range
We partner with industry leading suppliers
Tailored Feeding Solutions from Scot Agri & BvL
Efficiency is key on a farm, especially when it comes to the productivity of livestock. BvL’s range of feeder equipment ensures speed, precision and consistency when it comes to feeding your cows which helps to ensure optimal milk production and good health of the herd.
BvL V-MIX Trailed Feeder Mixers from Scot Agri
BvL have designed and manufactured trailed feeder mixers to suit every size of farm. From the BvL V-MIX AGILO 3.5 with a single auger and a capacity of 3.58m3, right through to the V-MIX Plus 40-3S which has a triple auger and a capacity of 38.6m3. Bvl pride themselves on their auger design, and what sets them apart in the feeder market is the differing number of augers in the wagons and that they can be built with a slimmer design if required.
BvL V Comfort Turbo Straw Blowers from Scot Agri
The Turbo Straw Blower from BvL attaches directly to the mixing hopper and can spread straw up to 20m with ease. The straw can be broken down within the mixer wagon and combined with water to eliminate dust before it spreads with the blower.This not only saves time but can positively impact the health of your herd.
BvL V-MiX Self-Propelled Feeder Mixers from Scot Agri
The V-MIX Drive range from BvL is a self-propelled range of feeder wagons that do not require any other equipment to use. The range has either a single or a double auger which are designed and fitted to the container shape ensuring the entire space within the mixer is utilised and a smooth and gentle mixing process is always experienced.
BvL V-BIO Biogas Vertical Solids Dispensers from Scot Agri
The V-BIO range from Bvl is perfect for permanent operations where they are being used every day. The range has options with one, two, or three mixing augers and a maximum driving power of 11kW to 37kW. Each of the dispensers within the range is made with quality steel, ensuring it is durable and weatherproof.
BvL V-MIX Fix Plus
Scot Agri supplies the V-MIX Fix Plus range of feeder wagons from BvL, which can be used as standalone mixing equipment or as a part of a larger system. The stationary BvL range can be made with a variety of different discharge systems including options to have the material dispensed at the side, directly from the fixed mixer, or by combining it with other systems.