Royal Northern Spring Show

Show Details:
Wednesday 2nd March 2022, Thainstone Agricultural Centre Inverurie, AB51 5XZ
The Spring show is held by the Royal Northern Agricultural Society and is the first major event in the Scottish farming calendar. The show is highly regarded in the farming community and by agricultural suppliers and sponsors of the event. There are over 100 organisations promoting their products and services at the Spring Show as well as livestock competitions.
On the stand you can expect to see:
- Patchwork demonstration unit
- Berthoud Hermes mounted sprayer
- Massey Ferguson 5S and 8S
- First in Scotland, Horsch 6KR mounted power harrow drill with partner grain and fert front hopper
Support and presence from our other franchises (JCB, BVL, Ktwo and KRM).
(MF 8S)
This will be our first show as Scot Agri and of course, our first show since Covid-19. Our caravan has had a makeover so keep an eye out for that and our new Scot Agri flags. We will (of course,) be providing our usual hospitality so stop by and see us for a sandwich or a sausage roll and a cup of tea!
(Royal Highland Show 2019)
Will Fleming, General Manager for Scot Agri North said, “It’s great that we can get back out to do the shows again, we will of course be adhering to the most up to date covid guidelines, but we are really looking forward to seeing the familiar faces of the Spring Show, it has been too long.”
We can’t wait to see you all there! Don’t forget to tag us in your Spring Show pictures too and we will share them on social media.